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23.11.2017 | LocoTech has invested half a billion rubles in the development of "Green doctrine” in the Year of ecology

The LocoTech Group of Companies in the year 2017, which declared the Year of ecology in Russia, has invested more than 500 million rubles in the "Green Doctrine" - concept of the enterprise development in the area of environmental protection. 

“Production operations of the large companies may have a negative impact on the environment. We, as a socially responsible company, understand this. And the main task of LocoTech is to minimize such impact. Therefore, we heavily invest in our environmental policy. After all, the "green investment" pays off with good reputation", said Pavel Morozov, Managing Director for Production Security and Interaction with the Control and Supervisory Bodies of LocoTech.

In particular, in 2017 the targeted programme "Green Investments" of cleaning of industrial areas and railway line from the oil-polluted soil amounting to more than 42 million rubles has been implemented in the service locomotive depots. 354 containers were purchased for the accumulation of waste - this will ensure safe storage and protect the soil.

In the area of air protection the strict control over the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere is conducted, which results in the decline in the emissions share to 1.5% from the level of last year.

34 local treatment facilities have been also audited in 2017. Based on its results, the reagents used in the treatment plants were replaced with more effective ones. Amendments and additions to the current process regulations for the treatment facilities were also prepared. In addition, local treatment plants and oil catchers were cleaned in a number of depots.

LocoTech pays serious attention to the competent handling of production and consumption waste. For this, some of the waste is drawn back into the economic circulation, acting as additional sources of raw materials. Wastes that can not be used for a second time are transferred to specialized organizations for neutralization.

In 2018, LocoTech will continue to implement the "Green Doctrine". In particular, a target programme on bringing the places of accumulation of production and consumption wastes to a single standard will be adopted next year.

Based on progressive world practice, it is proposed to sort and separate waste storage by types with further transfer to disposal. This will allow to abandon the placement of waste at landfills and will reduce the negative impact on the environment by at least 10%.

In addition to "green investments" in production operations, LocoTech cares about the upbringing of the younger generation. Thus, in 2017, the voluntary Saturday works have been held through the network and 3.7 ths. trees and bushes were planted, contests of children's drawings "Health of the Planet in My Hands”, environmental games and conferences have been held. Employees of LocoTech took part in the All-Russian Action "Save Baikal", during which more than 3 tons of garbage was collected and removed.


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